Each town has their fair share of thrift stores sitting on random corners of streets they would rather not admit exist in their neighborhood. It is mostly likely not the first place we think of going shopping at when we go out with our friends, but it is a place to visit every once in a while. When you step inside the thrift store, you are immediately surrounded by outdated clothing, furniture, jewelry, and books. While you may be tempted to turn around and walk out then, I encourage you to stay and look around. Soon you will see yourself in different pieces around the store. Maybe it's the bejeweled jeans that you would have loved 10 years ago, that you would have felt confident and attractive in. And then you begin to think about the designer jeans hanging in your closet that you constantly want more of, only to impress strangers on the street. This seemingly little thrift store can suddenly have a huge impact on you. A simple shopping trip can turn into a reflective trip. As old pieces of clothing remind you of the person you once were, and how much you have changed as you have worked yourself up the management ladder at work, or as you have moved into a nicer neighborhood. You start to remember how easy things were before, because you were happy before; not constantly complaining about yet another person. You start to remember all the promises you left broken. As the new year approaches, it is important that we reflect on our past year. Holidays are for giving and loving friends and family, not a time for a long wish list for distant relatives. This holiday season, I invite you all to reflect on your lives, and make a change in the coming year. Keep the old you in mind as you confidently walk the streets and don't worry about comparing yourself to others. Take the time to thank those how have helped you get to the place you are at, and apologize to those that you have disappointed in the past. Reflect on your life and then make a new year's resolution to keep that reflection in check from time to time.
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